* break down that paper wall
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announcements ,
of the month ,
activity checks ,
suggestions ,
staff board ,
canons ,
creating the character ,
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unfinished ,
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the little black book ,
applications ,
percentages ,
claims ,
need a character ,
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sub-plots ,
im ,
photo albums ,
journals ,
cell phones ,
phone calls ,
the insider . net ,
the notebook ,
st. augustine grand hall ,
head mistress ,
library ,
gymnasium ,
detention hall ,
pool ,
grand ball room ,
girl's dorms ,
boys dorms ,
alley way bowling ,
stardust diner ,
disturbia ,
park ,
residence ,
the du'mont girls' house
the micheals and trenton crash pad
bryan cartmon's private home
the carter home
the williams home
andrews' household
apartments ,
castor palace ,
alley ways ,
airport ,
ontario ,
hawaii ,
australia ,
hospital ,
the pier ,
lounge ,
games ,
introduction ,
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abscence ,
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